These exercises test your abilty to evaluate a set of pictures. You will need to use FotoForensics in order to solve these challenges. However, you may need to use other online resources as well. Each puzzle includes links to pictures (already uploaded to FotoForensics) and additional information that is required to complete the challenge.
There are hints and answers at the end of each challenge. We recommend trying to first solve the challenges without using the hints. If you get stuck (or struggle longer than the estimated time), then use the hints. Each numbered hint goes with the same numbered answer. The answers are available so you can see if you reached the correct conclusion. However, there is no expectation that you will find every detail in the answers, and you may find things that the answers do not mention.
For these challenges, we do not keep score and there is no penalty for looking at the hints and answers. This is a self-paced exercise so that you, the examiner, can gain experience evaluating images.
Most of the pictures used in these examples were submitted to the public FotoForensics site. They are unaltered from how they were submitted. The pictures are used in accordance with the terms of service ("analysis-related purposes") and Copyright's Fair Use for teaching and research.
Many of these challenges originated at the Reddit social network, where they were publicly discussed. Reddit users uploaded these pictures to FotoForensics for additional analysis.